• Heritage Area At a Glance 

  • View the Mountain Maryland Gateway to the West Heritage Area at a glance in our new E-Magazine. Just click on the link above to view the magazine. This magazine will give you a quick snapshot of the Heritage Area.  Learn about our small town history and great state parks.  Use the QR codes to visit our partner site visitdeepcreek.com to get even more information.  The Heritage Area map will give you an overview of the Heritage Area and will serve as a great resource as you explore and learn about our rich history and all the exciting places you can visit in the Mountain Maryland Gateway to the West.  

  • This project has been financed in part with State Funds from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, an instrumentality of the State of Maryland.
    However, project contents or opinions do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority.

  • Photo Credits: Tim Jacobsen, Bob Carney, Marcia Warnick, Sarah Myers, Crede Calhoun, Higher Focus Studios, Garrett Historical Society, Sarah Duck, Garrett County Chamber of Commerce